If you are receiving an error message like this it likely means that you already have a registration confirmed. You need to log into “Modify Registration,” enter your email and your registration record. This will allow you to make changes to your registration. You also might have an incomplete registration – if this is the case, contact karen.engler@asu.edu and she will reset your access information.

Yes, during the registration process, select the wait list option for the session you would like to attend. If a seat opens up, you will be added to the session and will receive an updated email confirmation. Please note that for a particular workshop time slot, you can be added to the wait list or select a different session – not both.

We will have limited walk-in availability for the conference at the Tempe campus. Go to the conference information desk and volunteers will let you know what sessions you would be able to attend.

Beginning Oct. 9 through Oct. 10, you will receive an email for each individual workshop session that you registered for. The email will come from the “Commission on the Status of Women.” The email will provide the contact Zoom access information, any handout or materials for the session, and a post-workshop evaluation link.

This year, none of the conference workshop sessions will be recorded. You are encouraged to attend the session that you are most interested in live. Please note that some sessions are repeated on Oct. 12, providing an additional opportunity to attend a specific session of interest.

You will be noted as a no-show and this may impact your ability to register for future events.

Maybe! We are hoping to provide attendees with a special conference swag item for this year’s conference. Information will be shared soon with registrants about pick-up options. Swag items must be picked up on your respective campus.  We are not able to mail items.

No. Please do not share zoom links to workshop sessions. Sessions will have wait rooms and only individuals that are registered will be allowed to enter the workshop session.  Session sizes are limited and giving a link to an unregistered individual means that someone who did register won’t be able to access the session. 

If you are registered for a workshop session, you will be able to enter the session during the first ten minutes of the workshop.

Professional Development Conference

Have questions?

Please contact Karen Engler-Weber, Program Director for CSW at karen.engler@asu.edu.