ASU CSW Professional Development Conference


Inaugurated in 2008, the Arizona State University Commission on the Status of Women Professional Development Conference is developed and hosted by the ASU CSW each October at ASU campuses and online.

Since its inception, the conference has grown in size and attendance. In fall 2023, the conference was hosted in a hybrid format, with nearly 100 workshops, a keynote luncheon, and nearly 1,600 members of the ASU community attending. The ASU CSW Professional Development Conference continues to be the largest university-provided development conference in the nation! The conference is open to all ASU faculty, staff and students and is completely free of charge to attend.

Two-day conference

Hosted over a two-day period, the goal of the conference is to provide readily-accessible information, resources, and strategies to help individuals succeed in their current position and in their long-term career. Additionally, the conference provides workshops on issues and needs that are timely to Arizona State University's evolution as the New American University, with a particular emphasis on leadership development at all levels.

Both conference days features an exciting variety of workshop sessions and special events, covering topics related to career development, workplace skills, leadership training, supervisory training, financial planning and work/life balance, among many others.


The goal of the ASU Professional Development Conference is to provide readily-accessible information, resources, and strategies to help individuals succeed in their current position and in their long-term career. The conference offers a variety of exciting variety of workshop sessions covering topics related to career development, workplace skills, leadership training, supervisory training, financial planning, sustainability, inclusion, work/life balance, among many others.

For the 2023 and the upcoming 2024 conference, the workshop schedule will feature sessions that align with the “Five Essentials for Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing” as defined by the

  • Protection from Harm: Safety and Security.
  • Community and Connection: Social Support and Belonging.
  • Mattering at Work: Dignity and Impact
  • Opportunity for Growth: Learning and Accomplishments
  • Work-Life Harmony: Autonomy and Flexibility

The ASU CSW Professional Development Conference is completely free of charge to all members of the ASU community and provides an important opportunity for staff to access development trainings, directly on campus at no direct cost to them or their unit.


Professional Development Conference