
The CSW is divided into four campus committees located at the four Arizona State University campuses: Downtown Phoenix, Tempe, West and Polytechnic campuses. All four campus committees are governed by an Executive Committee and supported by the CSW Program Director.

The Executive Committee organizes the work of the CSW, sets over-arching goals under which the campus commissions develop projects, and runs the CSW Awards Program. Members of the Executive Committee include all four campus committee chairs, the President and Provost’s Ex-Officio to the Commission, the Vice President of Human Resources and the CSW Program Director.

If you are interested in serving on the commission, please contact the CSW Office at


Executive Board

CSW Downtown Phoenix Chair: Elaine Rostad

CSW Polytechnic Chair: TBA

CSW Tempe Chair: Audrey Dumouchel-Jones

CSW West Chair: Lindy Baker

President's Ex-Officio: TBA

Provost's Ex-Officio: Deborah Clarke

HR Ex-Officio: Kevin Salcido

Program Director: Karen Engler-Weber

Campus Committees

CSW Downtown Phoenix


  • Elaine Rostad

Provost-Appointed Staff Representatives

  • Shanan Bouchard
  • TBA

Student Government Appointee

  • TBA
  • TBA

Service Representatives

  • Sandy Martinez
  • Linda Hess
  • Lesley Forst Michalegko
  • Katie Purcell Prado
  • Heather Roberts
  • Emma Gabrielle Biscocho
  • Heather Kivatanos
  • Aimee Sharifi
  • Sarah Jones
  • Daiv Glenn

CSW Polytechnic


  • TBA

Provost-Appointed Staff Representative

  • Jennifer Stults
  • Margaret Schmidt
  • Jennifer Williams

Student Government Appointee

  • TBA

Service Representative

  • Lindsey Morris
  • Lexis Townsend
  • Jennifer Chandler

CSW Tempe


  • Audrey Dumouchel-Jones

Provost-Appointed Staff Representative

  • Kaylen Cons
  • Rachel Hayes
  • Tanaya Dempsey
  • Christina Wombacher
  • Deana Garner
  • Christina Ngo

Student Government Appointee

  • Danya Diaz Varela
  • Brianna Stinsman

Service Representative

  • Angela Papri
  • April Rigler
  • Desirai Browning
  • Alexandra Aragon
  • Christy Jersin Woods
  • Karla Lee
  • Kellyn Johnson
  • Jacey West
  • Lois Malone
  • Paula Veach
  • Patrina Yang
  • Elizabeth Tripodi
  • Ty Fishkind
  • Wadzi Kativu
  • Claudia Willett
  • Mary Bankhead
  • Joyce Martin
  • Kate McCain
  • Kristin Farnsworth
  • Leah Norgren
  • Michelle Sullivan Govani
  • Rachel Fernandez
  • Caroline Avila
  • Jessica Vasquez
  • Tiffanny Raunch
  • Nyasha Stone Sheppard

CSW West


  • Lindy Baker

Provost-Appointed Staff Representative

  • Jenna Graham
  • Tracy Encizo
  • Jennifer Centner
  • Catherine Kerrey
  • Rhea Duncan

Student Government Appointee

  • TBA

Service Representative

  • Melany Barnes
  •  Erin Kuester
  • Allison Leaming Malecki
  • Jackie Ries Collins
  • Shyla Dogan
  • Laura Levandowski